Saturday, February 25, 2006


playing with some strobes at a girls' high school basketball game.

Elvira Vasquez, a fourth grader at Lakewood Elementary School in Durham, waits her turn to present reasons whys classroom teachers should learn Spanish. She attended a presentation where Duke University presented Durham Public Schools with almost $1 million for teaching initiatives.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

starting a photo blog.

2.20.06: meghan in the men's room.

2.19.06: jaclyn makes the perfect alice.

2.18.06: lawrence anthony, the barber. age 83.

2.17.06: back with my girls, but cleatless.

2.15.06: my boss defines sketchball.

2.13.06: i had no idea there were free-roaming peacocks in north carolina.

2.11.06: allen pulled his hammie during the state swim meet.

2.8.06: my neighbors getting some lesson from my mom. i'm sure it was life-changing.

2.7.06: what people will do for a ticket to the duke game.

2.06.06: adriana ciompi. this woman skiied in turino for italy in the '40s.

2.6.06: Herald-Sun assignments.

2.5.06: birthday brunch.